being part of a STORY

It’s a classic & timeless beginning to any story, “Once upon a time, a long long time ago….”. Fun fact, did you know that there are 22 different ways to start a fairy tale with “Once upon a time”. When I was younger my dream was one of “happily ever after”, it was full of Read More


being YOU & standing OUT, an intro

The birthmark you cover up or the scar you got when you were younger, it’s the glasses that you wear or the freckle on your cheek, for Zara Ramsay-Nortley, it’s her insulin pump. To you they are imperfections, they “draw the attention away” from you, but its these imperfections that make you perfect. They are Read More


the JOURNEY, cont.

Just as we pull away from the drive thru we hear “how long to home, I’m SOOO hungry” to which we reply “five minutes”, silence, followed by “but FIVE minutes is FOREVER”. In her little world five minutes is a lifetime because ALL she wants is to get home. Cubs fans watched anxiously as their Read More